
Whether you’re a primary care provider or specialist, achieving Meaningful Use of electronic health records is a rigorous process. The good news is with careful planning and support, it is manageable and — if you ask our doctors — worthwhile.

CHITREC services are designed to to fit your needs and to start you off on the right foot — whether you have no EHR at all or you have been active for years. We conduct a customized analysis of your practice that will include a road map for getting to Meaningful Use and confirm your eligibility for Medicare or Medicaid incentive payments. Then, we work with you to execute each step using a combination of site education education and training, as well as appropriate tools and assessments to ensure your success.

We’ve divided our services into two categories: basic and advanced.


  1. Meaningful Use education
  2. EHR selection
  3. Implementation planning
    • Workflow adjustment
    • EHR training
    • Conversion of Paper Charts
  4. Privacy & security
  5. Meaningful Use reporting (Dashboards)
  6. Registration & attestation
    • Medicare & Medicaid registration
    • Medicare demonstration of Meaningful Use
    • AIU for Medicaid in Year One
    • Medicaid demonstration of Meaningful Use
