
Since CHITREC was founded in 2010, we have collaborated with a number of local organizations in order to expand our reach and expertise.

Founding Partners

CHITREC builds upon the academic health information technology insights, resources and experience at Northwestern University, coupled with the pragmatic and nationally recognized EHR implementation service delivery model successfully developed at the Alliance of Chicago Community Health Services, a Health Center Controlled Network. Additionally, CHITREC has assembled a team of local and national partners, with the collective resources, technical knowledge and experience to assure a rapid and successful startup of the Center.

Illinois Health Information Technology Regional Extension Center (IL-HITREC)

The Illinois Health Information Technology Regional Extension Center (IL-HITREC) is a collaboration of several healthcare and educational organizations that are focused on providing education, outreach and technical assistance to priority primary care providers that are interested in achieving meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs) within the state of Illinois minus the Chicago 606* zip codes. IL-HITREC is administered by Northern Illinois University in partnership with the Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation, Quality Quest for Health of Illinois, and the Metropolitan Chicago Healthcare Council. For more information, please visit


Illinois Health Information Exchange (ILHIE)

The State of Illinois is expanding the use of health IT to improve the delivery of healthcare in Illinois. Health Information Exchange (HIE) is the use of electronic medical records and e-prescribing to help medical providers understand patient medical history. The Illinois Office of Health Information Technology (OHIT) was created by Executive Order 2010-1, signed by Governor Pat Quinn on February 12, 2010. OHIT works to promote the development of health information technology, increase the adoption and Meaningful Use of EHRs, assure the privacy and security of electronic health information, and direct the State’s HIE planning efforts.

Click here to read more about the benefits of HIE.
